Monday, 11 January 2010

Ho ho ho, happy new year and all that...

I'm sure most bloggers might be forgiven for not posting avidly over the holidays. It is with gloom and dismay, however, that I must report to have been beaten to the new year's entry by each of my blogging colleagues. Stephen Bubb has rattled off 8 this year, and ACEVO's strategy Director, Seb, has notched one up as well. Our CEO has something to live up though - 212 posts last year. Will he beat this record in 2010 I wonder...?

So back to the world of work. On the bells of New Year, I resolved to ensure the success of our Sustainable Business Forum - sad. But I have been very excited about it since we met for drinks and further conversations have only fanned the flames.

One question has been bugging me though - one of the steering group wonders if we should have a really big name, high street charity on board. A niggling itch this one. We have a corporate foundation, Virgin Unite; a membership body and representative of social enterprise, Social Enterprise London; and a large charity that operates regionally, Catch-22. The boxes are well and truly ticked, I thought. I will let the steering group decide - it will be a triumph for democracy.

Other than the steering group and forum, Corporate Partnerships are changing at ACEVO from April. No longer will we use income as a segmenter of the market. We have developed a much more sophisticated way of separating the corporate world: by identifying how our current corporate partners generate business, we can offer them different ways of accessing our members and thus group them appropriately with their peers. It also means that we won't have two similar companies, getting similar amounts of access, paying very different membership fees. To get ready for this change, I have poached a member of the membership team! In actual fact, it;s a part-time arrangement, but its great to be able to work with another person in the team. I'm confident that the changes we make will be clearly visible by the end user - our corporate partners.

The year is only two weeks old, and we have had three new members join. I hope this trend continues - the services offered by our corporate partners are really invaluable to our full members and its great to see them have so many highly professional contacts at their disposal.

I mentioned resolutions briefly, and my only other one is to update this more - once the steering group gets underway and we begin to develop ideas on how to create the perfect partnership, I'm sure the frequency will increase. Perhaps a quick reaction to our AGM - my first, and what looks like a very interesting experience on Wednesday, will be be 2nd of 2010...

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